Global leader in powertrain trusted by customers Hwashin Precision Co., Ltd.


Global leader in powertrain trusted by customers

Hwashin Precision

Company Name Hwashin Precision Co., Ltd. Address 15, Waegwan-eup 2nd Industrial Complex 3-gil, Chilgok-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (Naksan-ri)
the size of a factory
  • Land: Approximately 15,000㎡ (4,700 pyeong)
  • Factory building: approximately 10,000㎡ (3,000 pyeong)
  • Office Building: About 1,700㎡ (500 pyeong)
Annual turnover 27.2 billion won (as of 2016)
CEO Kim Hyo-geun Date of establishment April 16, 1981
Tel +82-54-977-6722 Fax +82-54-977-6723
E-mail hwasin@hwasinco.com capital stock KRW 2.4 billion (as of 2016)